Step by step booking processHow it works?
1. Choose your preferences
Mark the city and dates of your stay. You can browse the
available options and use the map for more information.
2. Choose your room
All the information available is shown on the screen when you select the room of your choice.
Read the proposed terms and price. Select “book now” button if you want to move on.
3. Confirm your booking
Enter your personal details and choose one of the payment options available. Read terms and conditions carefully. You need to accept them in order to proceed.
You will receive an email confirmation when payment is confirmed. Remember that you must pay both the deposit and fees for the booking.
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Frequently asked questions
To find a bed you need to choose a location and dates of stay.
You can then browse the offers and specify your preferred option. Once you have chosen a place you need to book it and pay the deposit and administrative responses through the website.
You will immediately receive an email confirmation with your booking details and instructions how to receive your keys etc.
If you would like to become an authorised landlord and use our user-friendly platform you need to register here: link with property registration.
Or fill out a registration/contact form here: link again.
We insist on the security of every tenant and for this reason we conduct a personal interview with every landlord. However, we cannot take responsibility for your personal belongings.
We remind you that in the event of a robbery you should contact the responsible police authorities. If such an unpleasant situation occurs, please also notify us.
Bills are paid directly to the landlord and split with them. If you have any comments or issues please contact us so we can support you.
The cancellation of a reserved bed or room can happen within 2 working days after reservation.
A valid reason must be given for cancellation, otherwise we cannot guarantee the return of the deposit and administration fees.
You can cancel your stay in a room if it does not match the description and photos on our platform.
You can leave the keys with 1) the landlord, 2) at the safe located by the door of each property, or 3) with a representative near your location.
If a key is lost due to negligence the fine is 50 euros.
If you would like to extend your stay you can email and speak to the landlord directly.
Your room will be fully furnished, with direct access or shared access to a fully equipped bathroom and kitchen. Bedroom linen can be made available at an additional charge.